Do Skunks Know How to Swim?

Skunk is a terrestrial mammal that is best known for its malodorous spray. It is nocturnal who will often move and hunt at night. Therefore, encounter with them is not common. They will hunt from the early hours of the evening period up to the sunrise. They are agile and will run at a speed of about 16.5kph. They are also a good swimmer but will not prefer to be in the water. Dealing with a skunk on the pool can be a hassle since their scent can remain for weeks.

How to Keep the Raleigh Skunks Away from Your Pool
In case you heard piercing shrieks on your quiet backyard, it can indicate that a nuisance animal has invaded your property. It will be frustrating to find a skunk in your pool. No one wants to swim in the waters that smell like a skunk. Once you notice a skunk enjoying your pool, it is probably time for you to call the animal removal agency. To avoid this from happening, there are simple steps that you can do to ensure that they will have ways to escape from your pool.

In case there is an increased level of skunk activity in your area, you might want to install fence around the premises of your pool. In some places, this structure will be required by the community. Depending upon the size of your fence, it will be effective in preventing the invasion of the skunk. Since they are not an excellent climber, the fence will be a good deterrent against them. However, you need to make sure that it will be buried at around 1ft on the ground. The Raleigh skunks have sharp claws that they can use for digging.

Pool Alarm
Pool alarm can also be a good option. However, the alarm will only be activated once the skunk has breach your property. It comes with a motion-activated sensor that will be triggered once a skunk has been spotted in your premises. The alarm will release a loud sound and blinding lights that may startle the creature. There are different alarms that can be availed in your local store. It is an excellent way to keep your pool monitored. However, sound and light deterrents will only give you a short-term solution.

Additional Tips
When you are in the process of constructing your pool consider adding a swim out. This will allow the wild animals to leave your pool on their own accord. Any buoyant objects on your pool will prevent the animal from drowning. You need to be cautious when dealing with any wild animals that end up in your pool. North Carolina Skunks are possible carrier of rabies that can be transmitted through their bites.

Once the temperature increases, most wild animals will be looking for ways to remain cool and our pool would be an excellent option for them to relax. If you need to deal with a skunk situation, there are professionals who will take care of the task. They will help you from capturing the animal to cleaning your pool.

Visit our Raleigh wildlife removal home page to learn more about us.